Little Dancers
Sterling's Early Childhood Program is specially designed to provide children between three and five years of age with a strong foundation in dance and movement. Using creative dance combined with some rudimentary ballet and tap elements our littlest dancers are taught the basic elements of movement and spatial awareness. The classes are designed to teach basic locomotion movements, musical rhythm and the levels and directions of dance. Creative expression and imagination are encouraged along with the concept of teamwork and basic body awareness. Each Fall, our little dancers are invited to participate in our annual dance showcase at the Santa Clara Convention Center Theater.

The Importance of Dance Training
Educators now know that training children in the concepts of movement sequencing and spatial relationships lays a strong foundation for the development of math, reading and other educational and social skills. It has been proven that children who dance learn to think with better cognitive and organizational skill. The best results start with early, continuous training since these skills develop slowly over time and with practice.